Before our chance to watch ends | Maryam Firuzi
Opening: Friday, 27 December 2019, 4 – 8 pm | Exhibition is on view through January 15th, 2020
Privacy is the result of human solitude, which on the one hand requires individuality and time apart and on the other requires exchange and interaction. This bilinear aspect of privacy has led to a great contradiction in mankind, which, based on the characteristics of each society, implies different meanings.
We can inspect privacy in each culture by studying its architecture, interior decorations, costumes, and even the common discourse in that society. Nowadays, with the presence of advanced technology and the multiplicity of social communication devices, and in a context where we are captured by as many cameras as possible even in our moments, privacy is being disputed more than ever in our history. It is as if humankind feels lonelier but finds less time to be lonely; even a prisoner in his or her own home is present in public via social communications.
Privacy is the invisible distance between being lonely and being among strangers.
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